I'm aware that many things like the BrewPi exist, but I didn't want to overcomplicate things and use a Raspberry Pi plus extra hardware. I just wanted something simple that didn't include all the extras like heater/chiller and pump control (as I don't have all these things yet, just a few buckets and boilers)!
Primary Aim:
- Monitor the temperature of
- water/wort during a sparge
- wort when cooling (after a boil)
- wort when fermenting
- locally (on an LCD screen)
- remote via a web interface over WiFi (potentially with graphing) so I don't have to go out and check on it from time to time)
Secondary Aims:
- Control things based on temperatures (so I don't have to go out to the garage to turn switches on/off)
- The boiler (turn it off automatically after the 1-2 hour boil after hopping)
- brewbelt (to keep the wort warm during fermentation in the winter)
Hardware (Parts list):
- 1x Nodemcu
- 1x DHT22
- 2x DS18B20 temperatue probes (on 3m cables)
- 1x LCD display 16x2 characters
- 4x Analog resistor ladder switches
- 1x 433Mhz RF transmitter (for mains sockets, safer and cheaper than wiring up my own mains relays for boilers)
For circuit/breadboard diagrams I will probably be using fritzing. Recently they started charging a small fee for compiled downloads to support development, but you can still download and install it for free on a mac using homebrew 😁 (pun not intentional) with the command brew install --cask fritzing
For diagrams, I will probably be using this nodemcu part
And I found some good code for controlling the LCD menu
https://majicdesigns.github.io/MD_Menu/ and https://github.com/MajicDesigns/MD_Menu
Along with a library to read the switch inputs
https://github.com/MajicDesigns/MD_UISwitch https://majicdesigns.github.io/MD_UISwitch/class_m_d___u_i_switch___analog.html
I almost used this library https://tsibrov.blogspot.com/2020/09/LiquidCrystal-I2C-Menu.html but found the translated instructions a bit hard to understand.
Alternatively, I could just use BrewPiLess, but what would be the point in that?!